

Give to Gain

Pass the Parcel is a “child-to-child” service initiative that seeks to empower children through giving. Founded by a group of CAC elementary students with a passion for kindness, Pass the Parcel is driven by CAC’s core values of integrity, creativity, perseverance, courage, respect, responsibility and compassion. Pass the Parcel is not about decluttering our rooms; it’s about giving something we still value to others, which also means giving our time and effort.

The mission of Pass the Parcel is to develop and promote the values of empathy, engagement, and empowerment in our children. This service initiative teaches important lessons in social responsibility, broadening our worldview because it requires us to step outside the comfort of our privileged world and embrace the challenges of others. By engaging with their extended community, our children will foster their sense of compassion and understanding. Giving is a truly fulfilling experience that fills us with contentment and satisfaction. It empowers the giver with an immense feeling of worth and a sense of responsibility toward others. It is important that our children come to believe that even the smallest action can make an impact on the world around them.

We have a team of friends to help us pass the parcel!

PASS THE PARCEL   Google Docs2q copy

Our first initiative was a Toy Drive; BILLY the REPORTER helped us announce our work, write the scripts for assemblies, and present in different events. SHASHA the COLLECTOR helped us gather toys to give and kept a detailed inventory of toys so MINI the SORTER could help us prepare the parcels and ROCKY the GIVER could help us share our gifts with those in need.

To make a larger impact, this year we joined forces with the HS Global Issues Service Club to support the children of Stabl Antar. The HS GISC have been working with these children since the beginning of this academic year.

Stabl Antar Dream Project is a vocational school located on a small mountain in old Cairo. Residents of Stable Antar live in poverty and sometimes struggle to meet their basic needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health care, shelter, and education.
On Saturday, April 8th, the ES Pass the Parcel Toy Drive Team and the HS GISC passed a parcel made of care and love to the children of Stabl Antar and delivered the toys they collected. They spent a lot of time preparing for the visit and worked hard to make this experience meaningful for the children of Stabl Antar. Check out this video the shares every step of the Pass the Parcel journey!

1 Midan Digla, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt | Phone: +2-02-27555555