High School Online Program of Studies
Virtual High School Department
CAC students may choose to take an online version of a course to resolve significant scheduling conflicts and/or to pursue subjects of interest with counselor approval (or IB coordinator for IB/courses). It is important to note that students taking virtual courses do not receive subject specific tutoring from CAC teachers. Taking a virtual course is truly an individual endeavor, and students are expected to use their flex blocks to complete work for them.
Students receive credit for the course; however, a P/F (pass/fail) appears on the transcript. Please note that some virtual courses follow a slightly different calendar than CAC and, thus, students must be prepared to potentially continue with their virtual school work during school vacations. All costs of virtual high school courses are the responsibility of the student. For information about current and future IB online course offerings, please consult the Pamoja website: www.pamojaeducation.com.
Students taking virtual IB courses will sit for the external exams at CAC.