
CAC Stories


American School in Egypt

CAC has a long history of outreach in the Cairo community. Many of our students and faculty partner with local organizations to accomplish a variety of service projects each year. This year CAC sought to have an additional impact by making a large donation of classroom supplies to organizations in need.

As members of the CAC community know, the school is in the process of renovating its high school and obtaining permits to demolish the old middle school building. As a result of these projects, at the end of the 2015-16 school year, CAC was in possession of a large number of used books, desks, chairs, lab equipment, and other classroom supplies. In May 2016 our Facilities Project Manager Ashu Takang and Finance and Operations Director Geoffroy de Vaulgrenant began the process of identifying and reaching out to organizations who could put these supplies to good use.

With the assistance of volunteers and friends of the community, CAC connected with 14 different schools and organizations in Cairo that work primarily with refugee populations. Over the course of the summer, volunteers working with these organizations loaded more than 33 trucks with furniture from the old middle school building and the library.

“Thank you for your generous donation of textbooks, reading books, teaching materials and supplies this summer. These books and supplies will help train leaders from refugee communities.”
Thank-you letter from Lori at PBI ~

This opportunity to provide books and furniture also helped the CAC community build stronger relationships with more organizations throughout Cairo. Going forward, CAC plans to foster partnerships with these and similar organizations so students can volunteer through community, action, service (CAS) hours for the school’s international baccalaureate diploma program or other classes that incorporate service into the curriculum.

Many of the organizations that received donations from CAC are in need of additional school supplies and help from volunteers. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering opportunities or have an idea for outreach, contact CAC’s new Service Learning Coordinator Mariam Hassan at to mhassan@g-cacegypt.org.



1 Midan Digla, Maadi
Cairo, Egypt


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