
High School

High School

High School

HS Summer Assignments


HL Math




Here is a link to the HL2 summer work.

"HL Year 2 Physics students will be doing some simulation labs online and becoming acquainted with some ideas in Nuclear and Atomic Physics."


Attached is the 2-page summer assignment for HL2 Chemistry.

"Review Topics 1-7, 11.1, 11.2, 12, and 14-17 and memorize organic chemistry functional groups."

   1. Read/ Study Chapter 4 Ecology pages 201-240.
   2. Preparation Work
      a. All problem data questions and end of the chapter problem set.
      b. Practice with PIB Questions (attached).
   3. Be prepared to review and answer questions during first class meeting on August 17, 2017.
   4. Test covering this topic area will take place August 21, 2017.
   5. Although I will be traveling at different times, you may contact me at my school email address if you have questions.


NHS Bylaws

  • Section 1: Officers Open or Close

    1.1  President
    1.1.1    Runs the weekly meetings. 
    1.1.2    Leads official liaisons to meet with outside organizations. 
    1.1.3    Appoints committee chairs, committee members, and representatives.

    1.2  Vice President
    1.2.1    Assists the president in running meetings (vote tallying, etc).
    1.2.2    Checks progress of committees periodically through chairs.
    1.2.3    Collaborates with the Secretary and Treasurer on projects such as an agenda setting, official records, correspondence to outside organizations, etc.
    1.2.4    Assumes any duties necessary in the absence of the president.

    1.3  Secretary
    1.3.1    Keeps weekly record of attendance.
    1.3.2    Collaborates with the executive committee.
    1.3.3    Records minutes for all club meetings and activities.
    1.3.4    Keeps a record of the service projects to which NHS members participate.

    1.4  Treasurer
    1.4.1    Notifies and publishes the NHS financial status on a monthly basis.
    1.4.2    Collaborates with the executive committee.

    1.5  Publicity Officer(s)
    1.5.1    Enhance the visibility of the NHS in the school and community at large: e.g. bulletin boards, flyers, social media, and articles for school publications.
    1.5.2    Will take part in the organization and implementation of the plans.

    1.6  Officer Vacancy
    1.6.1    In the office of the President, the Vice President will assume the Presidency and a new Vice President will be elected by the membership
    1.6.2    In the office of the Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, a new officer will be elected by the membership

    The president of NHS will be appointed by the NHS advisor in consultation with the current president.  The incoming president will be announced at the spring induction ceremony and will share duries with the current president during the spring.  All other offices will be elected in April.  Any member may nominate him/herself or another member to run for office.  All current members in good standing may vote.

  • Section 2: Duties and Responsibilities Of the Member Open or Close

    2.1  Each member must be in good standing to remain a part of the group.
    The Faculty Council will review any case pertaining to the loss of membership. The student may present his/her case to the Faculty Council.

    2.2  Good standing consists of the following
    2.2.1    Maintain a progress report GPA at or above 3.5. If a member does not attain the required GPA for the progress report, he/she will receive an official warning. The inability to maintain a 3.5 GPA by the end of the semester will result in a loss of membership in the NHS.
    2.2.2    No F’s, no more than one D.
    2.2.3    Leadership in at least one major project per year organized by the NHS. Major projects may be led by 1-3 members of NHS.
    2.2.4    An Honor Code infraction: Any case of an Honor Code infraction will result in the loss of membership to the NHS.

  • Section 3: Meetings and Attendance Open or Close

    3.1   A meeting of the entire group will be held weekly, either during a lunch period or any other convenient time.

    3.2   If none of the officers can attend a meeting, the President will appoint an acting president to run the meeting.

    3.3   Students may have no more than two unexcused absences per semester. After the first unexcused absence, the faculty advisor will issue an official warning. If a second unexcused absence occurs, the issue will be referred to the Faculty Council, and the member risks losing NHS membership.

    3.4   A quorum consists of two-thirds of the members.

  • Section 4: Committees Open or Close

    4.1  Ad-hoc committees for special events
      4.1  Rules committee
         4.4.1    Appointed by the officers
         4.4.2    Proposes amendments to the bylaws or formulate needed legislation for the Society.

      4.2  Activities committee (for different events)
         4.2.1    Volunteer members
         4.2.2    Brainstorm and propose activities or service projects for the society to develop.
         4.2.3    Organize and plan projects

  • Section 5: Selection Process Open or Close

    1.  One or two weeks after the second semester report cards are released, the NHS advisor will work with administration to generate a list of students who have a 3.5 cumulative GPA and have been enrolled at CAC for three consecutive semesters.

    2.  The NHS advisor will send an invitation and application to all eligible students.

    3.  Applicants will be asked to provide three references. NHS advisor will contact the references.

    4.  A list of applicants will be made available to teachers. Any teacher with an objection should contact the advisor or administration.

    5.  Current NHS members and faculty council will meet to review and rate portions of the application.

    6.  Faculty council will meet to discuss and vote on applicants. According to national NHS rules, the faculty council consists of five teachers appointed by the principal. Students must get three ‘yes’ votes to be nominated.

    7.  A list of accepted nominees will be sent to the assistant principal and principal for review. They may veto any candidate.

    8.  After the nominees have been approved by the principal and assistant principal, NHS advisor will contact all applicants and their families.

    9.  The decision of the faculty council is final. CAC has no appeal procedure.

    10.  According the national NHS rules, all nominees must attend the induction ceremony to be official members of NHS.




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Cairo, Egypt


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