
High School

Strategy Games Learn to play, play to win!

The focus of this week is to develop strategic and creative thinking.  Anyone can play Bingo or Go Fish,

but the games played during this session require something more: strategic thinking.  During this week participants will play games. But beyond that they will learn to think deeply and critically about games, developing strategies and learning how to think on their feet.


Games Include:


Board Games:

  • Pandemic

  • Scythe

  • Settlers of Catan

  • Quantum

  • Sheriff of Nottingham

  • Go (Wei Chi)

  • Blokus

Card Games:

  • Gang Of Four

  • Hanabi

...and More.  


In addition to this players will explore the world of tabletop gaming with opportunities to participate in a brief Dungeons and Dragons campaign.  This game incorporates strategy and deep thinking with acting and collaborative storytelling.


One key feature of this week:  NO video games. We will spend the time in a fun and relaxing environment, but we will be unplugged.  During all gaming sessions there will be no phones, ipads or computers allowed in the room.


The goal of this session is to build relationships, have fun, and learn to enjoy activities without technology.  


Program cost:  none

Fitness Level: any



1 Midan Digla, Maadi
Cairo, Egypt


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