
High School

Section 5: Selection Process

1.  One or two weeks after the second semester report cards are released, the NHS advisor will work with administration to generate a list of students who have a 3.5 cumulative GPA and have been enrolled at CAC for three consecutive semesters.

2.  The NHS advisor will send an invitation and application to all eligible students.

3.  Applicants will be asked to provide three references. NHS advisor will contact the references.

4.  A list of applicants will be made available to teachers. Any teacher with an objection should contact the advisor or administration.

5.  Current NHS members and faculty council will meet to review and rate portions of the application.

6.  Faculty council will meet to discuss and vote on applicants. According to national NHS rules, the faculty council consists of five teachers appointed by the principal. Students must get three ‘yes’ votes to be nominated.

7.  A list of accepted nominees will be sent to the assistant principal and principal for review. They may veto any candidate.

8.  After the nominees have been approved by the principal and assistant principal, NHS advisor will contact all applicants and their families.

9.  The decision of the faculty council is final. CAC has no appeal procedure.

10.  According the national NHS rules, all nominees must attend the induction ceremony to be official members of NHS.



1 Midan Digla, Maadi
Cairo, Egypt


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