
Middle School

Middle School

Middle School


PRIME trips are an integral and mandatory part of the Middle School program.  This off-campus activities-based program offers students the opportunity to extend the curriculum beyond the classroom walls in exciting ways in a new environment.  They are also able to develop new friendships, try new experiences, and build self-confidence.

Each PRIME Trip provides an opportunity to fulfill a variety of the goals listed below, although each program does not necessarily cover all the objectives.

Students will:

  • Extend and apply school curriculum work in an authentic and exciting environment.
  • Improve physical and mental health through development of interest in recreation as a non-competitive and individually fulfilling activity.
  • Develop skills of co-operative living, leadership, social responsibility and acceptance.
  • Develop a sense of personal involvement and fulfillment and be part of a community working together to learn new skills and sharing a common experience.
  • Deepen relationships between students and their peers, and students and faculty, as they work together in a situation that is new, challenging, and exciting for all.
  • Express and extend their individual talents and abilities and have these recognized in a less traditional non-classroom environment.
  • Develop a fuller understanding and appreciation of the natural environment; become comfortable in “living with nature”; develop positive attitudes and approaches for preserving and conserving natural environments.
  • Develop the attitudes and skills associated with self-reliance, especially for those students in an outdoor situation; develop self-confidence and self-esteem through activities that are either new to them or that they have the opportunity to develop and improve.
  • Develop an understanding of their own capabilities and limitations as well as sensitivity to the capabilities and limitations of others, through a variety of experiences, especially whilst exploring the outdoors.


In Partnership,

Courtney Bailey
Middle School Principal
Cairo American College

“Release your Brilliance”



Bailey CourtneyWelcome to the Middle School at Cairo American College, where we have created an enthusiastic and energetic environment with a diversity of choices aimed at fulfilling the school’s mission of providing a well-rounded education. We place an emphasis on our core values and academic program that challenges our students to learn.

We offer many academic, extra-curricular, and elective experiences - all designed to develop interests of our young adolescents as they find their independence and self-identity. Our faculty ensures that students are challenged academically in an environment that is welcoming, supportive, and offers opportunities for them to pursue their passion, meet challenges and develop their independence.
We will begin this year as we left off last year - with great students and teachers doing great things in the Middle School both inside and outside of the classroom every day.

At Cairo American College, we believe that:
· Each person has intrinsic worth.
· Our community models and promotes respect, responsibility, and integrity.
· Student learning is the focus of all school activity.
· Honest and compassionate communication is essential.
· The pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and truth is a life-long process.
· Embracing diversity strengthens community and enriches life.
· The well-being of the community depends upon the peaceful actions and contributions of every member.
· No institution has a more profound effect on the individual than family.

We have much to look forward to this year in the Middle School. We have an engaging curriculum that focuses on knowledge and creativity thinking while challenging students to apply their knowledge and skills in authentic and novel ways. We have a daily Advisory program whereby students belong to a small cohort of their peers and meet with an Advisory teacher for the first twenty minutes of each day. We know that Advisory strengthens relationships and develops the sense of community and belonging, which are so important to all we do here in the Middle School. We continue to broaden our co-curricular program and offer enrichment activities outside of the classroom and after school. Our sports, clubs, drama productions, bands, choirs and after school activities provide students with appropriate opportunities to exercise their minds and bodies as well as to develop and pursue their passions.

Collectively, we represent cultures and nations from all around the world. Our diversity teaches us about perspective, culture, and compassion. We have a strong sense of community grounded in our Middle School core values of caring, diversity, respect, safety, and trust . These "living words" are modeled daily by both students and adults and serve to guide us all in our interactions with one another. We also work hard to promote and develop our school-wide Student Learning Outcomes - Communication, Thinking, and Caretaker/Caregiver . We know that embedding these learning principles into the daily classroom experiences of our students will help them grow and prosper throughout this year and beyond. We also strongly believe that the success of a solid educational program rests in having a partnership with parents and students. We encourage you to get involved! Our staff is here to help you find success in the Middle School.

We thank you for choosing Cairo American College and for your support of the Middle School. If we can be of any service or help to you, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to a successful year learning and growing together. We hope that you are as excited about the year ahead as we are.

In Partnership,
Courtney Bailey 
Middle School Principal
Tel. #:  (20-2) 2755-5300




1 Midan Digla, Maadi
Cairo, Egypt


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