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CAC Chapter Bylaws
(Revised February 2017)
We're all now spending a lot more time at home than we might like, which is why staying as physically active as possible is more important than ever. Click on this category to find some links on how to get active at home, with exclusive offers and workouts from content providers.
There are many online resources that you can turn to during this uncertain period of self-isolation, social distancing and quarantine. Here’s a list of educational and entertaining activities to keep you occupied.
Artists are stepping up to help us all pass the time. Hashtags like #quarantineartclub are chronicling the art assignments and informal Instagram clubs for anyone looking to exercise their creativity indoors and, more importantly, connect with others during this isolating time.
Although staying at home can be easy for some, others maybe looking for enriching activities they can do while also practicing safe social distancing. Fortunately, performing art and museum enthusiasts can now travel the globe and view world-famous art from the sanctity of their living room